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WoW Classic’s final raid, Naxxramas be released in early December

Blizzard launches the final World of Warcraft Classic's vanilla raid, Naxxramas, which is already live on servers for all the players to enjoy. Folks who played at the beginning of Wrath of the Lich King definitely experienced Naxxramas, the expansion’s first tier of raiding. And it was well known at the time that the raid was effectively a remix of the original version of the instance, which was the final tier of raiding in the original run of World of Warcraft.

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Naxxramas is the most challenging, and arguably the most fun, 40-man raid encounter in all of Classic World of Warcraft. At the time of the original release back in Vanilla, only about 1% of guilds managed to defeat Kel’Thuzad and clear it entirely. Naxxramas is the large necropolis floating above Stratholme in Eastern Plaguelands. It’s home of the powerful Lich King’s officer Kel’Thuzad. Naxxramas attunement in Classic WoW honored reputation with Argent Dawn. You can quickly boost your reputation by running Scholomance and Stratholme. After gaining reputation, speak with Archmage Angela Dosantos at Light’s Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands. There’s a short quest to complete that allows you access to the new dungeon.

The endgame Naxxramas raid is now live in World of Warcraft Classic. Set in a giant necropolis floating above the Plaguelands of Azeroth, the dungeon is designed for up to 40 players, and takes place over four wings stuffed with mid-bosses, before a central lair with the final challenges. Naturally what matters is the loot, and players will be able to find nine-piece raid sets for each class, as well as a host of unique items like the insanely powerful Corrupted Ashbringer. Players will need to be at max level to take it on.

At the same time, the Scourge invasion has begun, it last for 4 weeks, and is only effective for level 60 players. This follows the standard WoW template of bashing Scourge baddies at the behest of a commander, and then use the receipt to buy candy equipment from him.

While the World of Warcraft has a tight release schedule, regular World of Warcraft has only recently seen the most revolutionary expansion of Shadowland, which has dramatically changed the game. Blizzard supports the idea of a successful MMORPG implementation over time, and offers this approach most intelligently with the latest add-ons. The most significant change is in the way the story is told. The core narrative is completely linear and players can access the new areas in strict order. Interestingly, it helps deliver the main site better than previous extensions.

It is curious whether the release of Naxxramas will in any way affect the number of people online in Word of Warcraft: Shadowlands, and according to some comments on the official forum, players have expressed their desire to explore the World of Warcraft classics rather than spend time on the latest games. Being the latest - and ultimately last - vanilla raid, Naxxramas will definitely bring in a lot of old-time fans who are willing to re-experience this weird, yet extremely satisfying time capsule that is WoW Classic.

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