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Get to know WoW Classic: Burning Crusade

World of Warcraft is returning to the past once again with the announcement of Burning Crusade Classic at BlizzConline. The Burning Crusade was the first expansion for World of Warcraft, released in 2007. Players travel to Outland, a shattered planet that played a big part in the lore of Warcraft 2 and Warcraft 3, and recruits two new races. The Horde gets Blood Elves, one of the game’s most popular factions, and the Alliance recruits the Draenei, who is affectionately referred to as “space goats.”

Serving a retro community as it splits into camps who want to experience the game as it was indifferent eras is a potential minefield, but Blizzard does seem to have thought through all the options. Lead producer Holly Longdale and production director Patrick Dawson told me over Zoom that players who don't want to choose between the two versions of the game will be offered a paid service to clone their character across Classic Era and Burning Crusade servers. Furthermore, diehard Burning Crusade fans who haven't been playing Classic and can't face the long grind up to the level required for the expansion can pay for a boost to level 58. This option is strictly one-time-only, because "we don't want to minimize the accomplishments of those who have worked so hard in Classic to get their characters ready," Dawson said. WoW Classic Gold will be a great help for your mission

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On the whole, World of Warcraft has indeed stood the test of time. With World of Warcraft Classic, players can access the original title of the game without any daily quests, group searches for features, or simplified level Settings. In WoW Classic, you get everything you get, it makes every green item drop, and makes handmade materials feel like something special. While some aspects of the game have matured and left you longing for change in future iterations, the heart of Blizzard's legendary MMO is still strong.

Meaningful progress in all its forms is at the heart of the World of Warcraft Canon. Picking up a new blue item can double or triple your productivity and make you feel like a god. In the last decade of the modern World of Warcraft, craftsmanship and classes have been relegated to useless territory, which is important and essential; Each piece of cloth crumb and each piece of ore brings massive upgrades where you show off or sell to other participants in major cities. Spending a day making a 12-slot bag out of farm cloth to carry your stuff away is a long and rewarding experience, and winning the boss's loot in the dungeon can change your reality for hours to come.

Entering a new area for the first time conveys a sense of awe, exploring the ghostly cemeteries of twilight forests or the desolate wastelands of desolation. Socializing with other players is a must, because without them, you won't be able to do any serious missions or any dungeons. In other parts of the game world today, every interaction is reduced to nothing that eliminates potential toxicity and simplifies the game. It's a place where talking to other people, even just to "say hello", feels alien - and refreshing.

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