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ESO Greymoor new Antiquities System

With the new Antiquities system arriving as part of the Greymoor Chapter, you can travel all over the continent (and beyond!) as a member of the Antiquarian Circle and dig up Tamriel’s hidden history while discovering unique collectibles, treasure, and even powerful Mythic items. This new system includes two unique mini-games: Scrying, where you use a new tool to augur the location of hidden items, and Excavation, where you actually dig them up! While this new system is unlocked with the Greymoor Chapter, it’ll actually take you all over Tamriel, not just Western Skyrim. With the new Antiquities system, you can scour Tamriel in the hunt for long-forgotten relics, treasures, and knowledge.

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One important thing about Antiquities is the mythic items. All of these are extremely-cool single stat items. For example, Ring of the Wild Hunt, which "Increases your movement speed by 15% when you are in combat. Increases your movement speed by 45% when you are out of combat." or Malacath's Band of Brutality, which "Increases your damage done by 25%. You can not deal critical damage." and of course, there are plenty more. This offers you a brand new modifier on your set building.

What's more, they have even hidden all the parts for a cool Dwarven Ebon Wolf Mount into the system. And for you, all you have to do is find out all the pieces, it cannot be that difficult, am I right? If you can, you'd better check out the guide on Alcasthq. You will be exploring fighting monsters, delves, and then killing bosses for this one, however, it's a perfect method to spend a day or two.

They have promised us adventures just like Indiana Jones, and well, they delivered. I have already become some badass fighting archaeologist out searching for treasures to make myself look even more badass.

On the surface, the attraction of the Antiquities system is that it can comb through everything from makeup to mounts and a new collection of rare "mythic" gear, but I especially welcome it, because it's a good way for casual players to make real cash. Previously, to make money on ESO, it was common to join a trading guild to gain the privilege of using auction house NPC, but antiquities artifacts sell to sellers for between 250 and 5,000 gold. That's a decent amount of pocket money, and a lot more than you would get from stealing random trash. By the promotion process alone, I was rich enough to properly furnish my players' house, which I had given up because I couldn't keep up with the fees required by the trade association.

If gorgeous, nostalgic landscapes are your thing, the Elder Scrolls Online's new Greymoor extension will bring you a nostalgic view of the sky. This formulaic story, though less compelling, is at least inspired by a few luminaries. The rest of Greymoor is largely different from the familiar ESO formula, although the new "Antiquities" system introduces a welcome new way to earn cash, gear and cosmetics.

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