Gaming News

The Elder Scrolls Online: Gates of Oblivion teaser trailer released

As The Elder Scrolls Online kicks off its latest year of adventures, Gates of Oblivion raises a lot of questions. Similar to how Morrowind's expansion brought Bethesda's fans back to Morrowind independent of what happened in Tes: Morrowind, the gates of Oblivion threaten to destroy Tamriel much as they did during Oblivion.

Bethesda and ZeniMax Online Studios today unveiled a trailer for The Elder Scrolls Online: Gateway to Oblivion at the Game Awards 2020. Gates of Oblivion is the next chapter in Bethesda's The Elder Scrolls Online. The Global Public Event will address more about the upcoming expansion on January 21, 2020, at 2 pm PT. Fans can look forward to a new storyline and new content "that will take you and your companions to the edge of oblivion." Currently, The Elder Scrolls Online has the on-going the Dark Heart of Skyrim year-long adventure. For The Elder Scrolls fans looking to see more of Skyrim should definitely jump in and try out the game before Gates of Oblivion launches on June 2021.

In the new vision, ESO Gold still important for this game.

In the "Gates of Oblivion" adventure, you can explore new storylines told in all of ESO's 2021 content releases, including the upcoming Elder Scrolls: Ambition DLC and The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackadder Chapter. In this year-long saga, you will unravel the ambitions and plans of Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon 800 years before the events of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

The Elder Scrolls Online’s 2021 major episode update, Blackwood, "will continue the adventures of The Gate of Oblivion and feature more than 30 hours of new story content, allowing you to explore Tamriel's colorful landscape, where Argonians' multicultural aspirations meet with their empire. This chapter brings you to brand new adventures and features, including:
1. A new zone: Blackwood
2. A fiendish main storyline that ties into the Gates of Oblivion adventure
3. The new Companions system
4. A new 12-player Trial: Rockgrove
5. New world events: Oblivion Portals
6. New delves, public dungeons, world bosses, and stand-alone quests
7. Updates and quality-of-life improvements

In the gaming community, the desire for nostalgia and retrofitting the classics of the past is no stranger. Whether it's a full remake like Final Fantasy VII, a remake like Mass Effect: Legends Edition, or a simple makeover like Super Mario 3D All-Stars, players want to relive the game's biggest feats. The Elder Scrolls series is no different. It's been 14 years since the original release of Oblivion, and fans have been looking forward to reproducing one of the best albums in the series. Instead of a remake, ZeniMax Online has announced the next chapter of Elder Scrolls Online, which will take players into the familiar world of Unforgetful Hell. For those hoping for news of The Elder Scrolls VI or a remake of Oblivion, whether this is disappointing news is not what fans were expecting. The Elder Scrolls Online is now available via Steam on PS4, Xbox One, Stadia, and PC. PlayStation 5 and Xbox series versions will be released at a later date. For ESO news update, please keep an eye on our website. Stay tuned.

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