By Martin|April 3, 2021
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The Elder Scrolls Online has big plans for 2021, with a year-long Gates of Oblivion questline unfolding throughout the year. Bethesda released a new trailer that takes a closer look at this content, while also providing a sneak peek at the content arriving in June with the Blackwood Chapter.
By Martin|January 29, 2021
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As The Elder Scrolls Online kicks off its latest year of adventures, Gates of Oblivion raises a lot of questions. Similar to how Morrowind's expansion brought Bethesda's fans back to Morrowind independent of what happened in Tes: Morrowind, the gates of Oblivion threaten to destroy Tamriel much like they did during Oblivion.
By Martin|January 7, 2021
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A full decade will have passed since Bethesda first awed us with the announcement of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which is considered one of the greatest sandbox RPGs of all time (if not for its depth or its main quest, then for the openness and flexibility of its world).
By Martin|April 20, 2020
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Greymoor has been known as part of the "Heaven's Heart of Darkness" activity since then, and it will continue throughout the year.
By Martin|March 9, 2020
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The one ESO adventure is called The Dark Heart of Skyrim and takes place in the famed Tamriel province. Something evil is going on in Blackreach and, as usual, adventurers are called to arms.